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Reason IDEA Plugin

Language Plugin for OCaml, Reason and ReScript

Build StatusJetBrains IntelliJ pluginsDiscordLicense: MIT
Language Support

Language Support

The Reason IDEA Plugin adds full language support for OCaml, Reason, and ReScript. Language support features include code formatting, type annotations, structured code views, and more. Minimal support for Dune and JSX is included as well.

Build Tools

Build Tools

The plugin integrates with common build tools such as Dune, Esy, and BuckleScript. These are useful for installing dependencies and building your project without leaving your IDE.

Built on idea

Built on idea

The plugin is built on Idea and is not using LSP so you can get all the functionalities you can expect for any IntelliJ product. It is compatible with a large number of editors (Idea, Webstorm, CLion, ...).