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Currently, three project types are supported:

  1. Dune
  2. BuckleScript
  3. Esy (Beta)

Project types are auto-detected, and a single IDEA project may contain multiple project types. An IDEA project can even contain multiple of the same type of project (mono-repo).

Project Detection

Projects are auto-detected but may require additional setup. Detection is based on the presence of certain project configuration files. These are outlined below.

Dune Projects

Dune projects currently require the most setup. If a dune-project or dune file is present in your project then you should be prompted to create a Dune Facet. This Facet allows you to supply additional project information such as the OCaml SDK location on your system.

BuckleScript Projects

BuckleScript projects are detected based on the presence of a bsconfig.json configuration file. If a BuckleScript configuration file is present, BuckleScript support will be enabled. This can be verified by the presence of a BuckleScript tool window icon in IDEA.

Esy Projects

Esy projects are detected based on the presence of package.json file with an "esy": {...} property. If an Esy configuration file is present, Esy support will be enabled. This can be verified by the presence of an Esy tool window icon in IDEA.